1. 飞机气动设计相关
[1] Johnson, Forrester T., Edward N. Tinoco, and N. Jong Yu. "Thirty years of development and application of CFD at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Seattle." Computers & Fluids 34.10 (2005): 1115-1151.
[2] De Resende, O. C. "The evolution of the aerodynamic design tools and transport aircraft wings at Embraer." Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 26 (2004): 379-389.
2. 飞机稳定与操纵相关
[1] Roskam, Jan. "Evolution of airplane stability and control-A designer's viewpoint." Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 14.3 (1991): 481-491.
内容:大名鼎鼎的Jan Roskam(1930-2022),和Raymer同样有名。Roskam在飞行力学领域也有很深的研究,并出版了相关教材。这本书是他对操稳与控制发展历史的回顾