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主持国家社科基金等国家级、省部级科研项目40余项,在宾大国际法期刊(U. PA. J. INT’L L.)、空间政策(Space Policy)等境内外 SSCI 和 CSSCI 期刊发表水平论文30余篇,创立了 Journal of International and Comparative Law 期刊。













1. Culture of Judicial Independence: Rule of Law in the world Peace, (司法独立的曲折进程),Brill Leiden出版社, 2014年版,第421-437页。

2. 国际经济法,华中科技大学出版社,2015年版,第21-55页“国际货物买卖法”及第96-145页“国际金融交易法”。

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
2005-9 | 2008-6
  • China University of Political Science and Law
  • Ph.D. of Law

2002-9 | 2005-6
  • China University of Political Science and Law
  • Master of Law

1998-9 | 2002-6
  • China University of Political Science and Law
  • Bachelor of Law

2017-11 | Now
  • 浙江大学国际战略与法律研究院
  • 副院长

2019-2 | Now
  • 北京理工大学管理和经济学院
  • 兼职教授

2019-4 | Now
  • 四川西华大学国际空天学院
  • 讲座教授

2019-7 | Now
  • 北京理工大学全球航空发展研究中心
  • 执行主任

2018-12 | Now
  • 捷克布尔诺理工大学
  • 兼职教授

2019-2 | 2020-2
  • 北京通用航空产业基地管理委员会
  • 副主任

2020-2 | 2020-8
  • 北京市平谷区人民政府
  • 顾问

2020-5 | Now
  • 乌克兰国立航空大学
  • 兼职教授

2010-1 | Now
  • Director of Aviation Law and standard, Beihang University
  • 所长

2011-1 | Now
  • Deputy Director of National Research Centre of ATM Law and Standard of China
  • 副主任

2008-1 | Now
  • Associate Professor of Law of Beihang University
  • 副教授

2013-6 | 2013-8
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • Visiting Staff

2012-9 | 2012-10
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • Visiting Staff

2009-1 | 2009-5
  • International Aviation Law Institute, DePaul University
  • Visiting Scholar

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
  • 中国民用航空局首批国际化人才培养储备库人员

  • 中国民用航空局无人驾驶航空运行专家组、空管专家组成员

  • 英国皇家航空学会高级会员(Fellow)

  • 国际民航组织遥控驾驶航空器系统专家组(RPASP)成员、航空数据分析专家组顾问、航空安保专家组顾问

  • Journal of International and Comparative Law运营编辑

  • Board Editor of the Aviation and Space Journal,  Bologna University, Italy

  • Foreign Research Fellow of Korea Legislation Research Institute

  • Deputy Director of State Air Traffic Management (ATM) Law and Education Experts Working Group

  • Chair of the Legal Sub-group ICAO/UNOOSA Space Learning Group

  • Co-Chair of Concept of Operation Working Group and the Operation Group of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned System(JARUS)

  • Secretary General of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Commission of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA)

  • ICAO Instructor on the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS)

  • 中国航空学会无人驾驶航空器系统专门委员会总干事

  • 国际民航组织亚太区无人驾驶航空器系统工作组主席
    全球无人交通管理协会(Global UTM Association)理事
    Journal of International and Comparative Law执行编辑
    Aviation and Space Journal编委会委员

  • 国家标准化管理委员会全国航空器标准化技术委员会无人驾驶航空器系统分技术委员会副秘书长

  • 中国交通运输协会法律工作委员会专家组成员

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2008-06-01

School/Department:Beihang University

Administrative Position:Associate Professor of Law

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:D1016, New Main Building, Beihang University 37#, Xue-Yuan Road, Hai-Dian District, Beijing, China


Contact Information:Tel: 86 10 8231-3457 Fax: 86 10 8231-3437 Email: liuhao@buaa.edu.cn



Academic Titles:2017.10- Vice Chair of the JARUS 2017.08- Chair of the Legal Sub-group ICAO/UNOOSA Space Learning Group 2017.04- Chair of the ICAO Asia Pacific UAS Task Force 2016.08- Secretary General of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Commission of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA) 2016.07- Board member of the Global (Unmanned Traffic Management) UTM Association 2015.11- ICAO Instructor on the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) 2015.03- Advisor to the RPASP of ICAO 2015.09-2017.10 Co-Chair of Concept of Operation Working Group and the Operation Group of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned System(JARUS) 2015.03- Member of the ICAO/UNOOSA Space Learning Group 2011.04- Deputy Director of State Air Traffic Management (ATM) Law and Education Experts Working Group 2013.04- Managing Editor of the Journal of International and Comparative Law 2012.05- Board Editor of the Aviation and Space Journal, Bologna University, Italy 2012.05- Foreign Research Fellow of Korea Legislation Research Institute

Other Post:国家空管法规标准研究中心副主任

Alma Mater:中国政法大学

Discipline:Business Administration

Honors and Titles:

Catherine Fargeon Award  2016

国家空管专家  2011

香江学者  2015

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Research Group

    Name of Research Group:国家空管法规标准研究中心

    Description of Research Group:国家空管法规标准研究中心是国务院、中央军委空管中交通管制委员会为进一步加强国家空管顶层制度建设,建立适合中国国情、军情的空管法律和标准体系,提高空管系统法制化水平而依托北航建立的战略研究咨询机构和跨军地、跨学科的国际化军政产学研结合的多学科交叉研究平台。中心在国家空管委办公室的指导下参与国家空管法规、标准体系规划的论证,全面参与国家空管法规、标准制定、修改、清理,以及立法后评估和宣传教育。

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