Xubo Lin
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Current location: Research Group >> News

2021-05-11: Our recent literature review paper (Molecules, 2020, 25, 1375.) was selected to ESI Highly Cited Papers (Citations belong to the top 1% in the field of Chemistry and year 2020). Congratulations!

2021-05-04: Xiaoqian' paper was accepted by Nanoscale. Congratulations!

2021-05-03: Xiu passed the PhD admission assessment of Beihang University and will re-join us as a PhD student this September. Congratulations!

2021-03-16: Our collaborative work with Prof. Linhao Lin and Prof. Yubo Fan was accepted by Biomaterials.

2021-03-16: Xiaoqian attended Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conferences/Frontiers of biomedicine empowered by computational approaches and biophysical principles (Virtual) and gave an oral presentation. Well done!

2020-12-30: Kaidong joined our group for Graduation Thesis. Welcome!

2020-11-25: Yuan and Yuxuan joined our group for Undergraduate Research Training. Welcome!

2020-11-06: Finally, I got my Teacher Qualification Certificate. ^_^


2020-10-26: Our group was awarded by Medicine-Engineering Excellence Innovation Program of Beihang University. Congratulations!

2020-09-20: Xiaoqian was selected to the Pilot PhD Student Class 2020 of Higher Institute of Technology of Beihang University. Congratulations!

2020-09-07: Xiaoqian won BUAA PhD Freshman Scholarship. Congratulations!

2020-08-19: Our collaborative work with Prof. Alex Gorfe was accepted by The Journal of Chemical PhysicsCongratulations!

2020-08: Dr. Lin and his wife have made Great Breakthrough! Warm welcome, Little Lin!


2020-04-22: Our coauthored paper was accepted by JPCC. Congratulations!

2020-04-10: Our collaborative work with Prof. Zou's group was accepted by ChemBioChem. Congratulations!

2020-04-09: Our collaborative work was accepted by Cell. Congratulations to Liang Ge's group!

2020-03-20: Xiaoqian and Xiu's paper was online at Molecules. Congratulations!

2020-03-16: Our new group website (http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/linxubo) at Beihang University was launched.

2019-10-01: Since we cannot access weebly.com from the mainland, our previous group website (linxubo.weebly.com) will no longer be updated.

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2018-01-22

School/Department:Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering

Business Address:Baiyan Building 906




Academic Titles:Associate Professor

Alma Mater:Southeast University

Discipline:Basic Medical Sciences
Biomedical Engineering

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Honors and Titles:

Outstanding Young Researcher Award (CBSB2018)  2018

北京航空航天大学“第六批青年拔尖人才计划”  2018

北京航空航天大学“医工百人人才计划”  2018

教育部博士研究生学术新人奖  2011

东南大学优秀毕业生  2009

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