Fengrui Liu
Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
.Longwei Zhou, Libin Zhao, Fengrui Liu⁎, Jianyu Zhang⁎. A micromechanical model for longitudinal compressive failure in unidirectional fiber reinforced composite. Results in Physics, 2018; 10: 841-848.
.Yunfeng Dong, Xiaona Wei, Lu Tian, Fengrui Liu⁎, Guangde Xu. A novel double cluster analysis and principal component analysis based optimization method for the orbit design of Earth observation satellites. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017; Article ID 6396032.
.Libin Zhao⁎, Meijuan Shan, Fengrui Liu, Jianyu Zhang⁎. A probabilistic model for strength analysis of composite double-lap single-bolt joints. Composite Structures, 2017; 161: 419-427.
.Longwei Zhou, Donghua Zhang, Libin Zhao⁎, Xiaohong Zhou, Jianyu Zhang, Fengrui Liu. Design and analysis of a novel bolted composite π joint under bending load. Materials and Design, 2016; 98: 201-208.
.Libin Zhao, An Xin, Fengrui Liu, Jianyu Zhang⁎, Ning Hu. Secondary bending effects in progressively damaged single-lap, single-bolt composite joints. Results in Physics, 2016; 6: 704-711.
.Jianyu Zhang, Fengrui Liu, Libin Zhao⁎, Jie Zhi, Longwei Zhou, Binjun Fei. Influence of end distances on the failure of composite bolted joints. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015; 34: 388-404.
.Jianyu Zhang, Fengrui Liu, Libin Zhao⁎, Meijuan Shan. Investigation on characteristic length testing methods for failure prediction of composite multi-bolt joints. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015; 34: 636-648.
.Jianyu Zhang⁎, Fengrui Liu, Libin Zhao, Yuli Chen, Binjun Fei. A progressive damage analysis based characteristic length method for multi-bolt composite joints. Composite Structures, 2014; 108: 915-923.
.Jianyu Zhang⁎, Fengrui Liu, Libin Zhao, Binjun Fei. A novel characteristic curve for failure prediction of multi-bolt composite joints. Composite Structures, 2013; 108: 129-136.
.林楠,刘丰睿,赵丽滨. 发射架力-环境耦合条件下疲劳分析方法研究[C]//.第十八届北方七省市区力学学会学术会议论文集,2021:47-49.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2021.018925.,2022