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  • 郑旷宇

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/kuangyu_zheng/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   硕士生导师
  • 主要任职:信息与通信工程系-副系主任
  • 其他任职:北航未来通信与网络(5G/6G)工作推进组秘书

郑旷宇,男,北航电子信息工程学院副教授、副系主任。美国俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University)计算机工程专业博士,北京航空航天大学信息与通信工程专业硕士、电子信息工程专业学士。


Kuangyu Zheng is currently an Associate Professor, in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University. He has received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering, from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, in 2018 and 2013, respectively. He has also received his M.E. degree in Communication Engineering and B.E. degree in Electronic and Information Engineering, both from Beihang University, in 2011 and 2008, respectively.

Email: zhengky@buaa.edu.cn

主要研究方向为高能效通信计算机系统及网络(如:云-边缘-移动端资源协同;高能效AI异构计算;5G/6G通信系统与应用,无人机-卫星等新兴终端)。近年在领域重要会议(INFOCOM,RTSS,ICDCS,IPDPS等)、领域重要期刊(TPDS,TCC,TNSM等)发表高水平论文十余篇。任多个国际期刊(TPDS, TC, TCC, TCOM, TNSM等)及会议(INFOCOM, ICDCS, IWQoS, ICPP, ICPADS等)TPC成员、审稿人。

现任北航未来通信与网络(5G/6G)工作推进组成员与秘书、信息与通信工程系副系主任,是临空信息系统先进技术工信部重点实验室、先进航空机载系统工信部重点实验室成员。兼任中国计算机学会(CCF)网络与数据通信专委会、体系结构专委会委员。是工信部 IMT-2020(5G)推进组、IMT-2030(6G)推进组成员。

2017年7月至12月,在微软亚洲研究院云与移动计算组(Cloud and Mobile Group, MSRA)实习,从事人工智能基础设施(AI Infrastructure)研究, 参与微软数据中心FPGA集群自动化资源管理项目,实现深度学习、网络安全等应用加速。

His current research interests focus on Energy-efficient communication, computer  and network systems (e.g.,  Cloud-Edge-Mobile computing; AI heterogeneous computing; 5G/6G systems and applications). He is the TPC member or reviewer of some renowned international conferences ( INFOCOM, RTSS, ICDCS, IPDPS, etc.) and journals (TPDS, TC, TCC, TCOM, TNSM, etc.).

He has been a research intern in the Cloud and Mobile Group at Microsoft Research Asia, between 2017.07 to 2017.12, participating projects on AI Infrastructure, e.g. doing research of automatic resource management of FPGA clusters of MS cloud, for acceleration of Deep Learning and Network Security applications.




有幸指导多位优秀本科生(含毕设、竞赛、科研等),多人获国家/省部/学校各级科研竞赛奖项;在保研考研(本校、清华、上交、北理、中科院、国科大等)、留学深造(获U Waterloo,南洋理工,McGill,McMaster,悉尼大学,昆士兰大学,澳洲国立大学,港科大,港中文等高校博士硕士offer)或工作实习(如腾讯、商汤)等不同方向,表现出色。


News】2024-01:两篇关于无人机高能效任务规划、云边端高能效资源管理与博弈的论文被IEEE WCNC 2024 录用,祝贺奥林、师越!

News】2023-12:IEEE GreenCom 2023(国际绿色通信计算大会)“IEEE Distinguished Services Award”,谢谢组织方的肯定。


News】2023-06:我们面向深度学习推理的GPU能效、延时联合优化论文Morak,被IEEE MASS 2023 录用。祝贺刘迪、子墨、奥林!

Our paper Morak is accepted by IEEE MASS 2023 (the 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems ). Congratulations to Di, Zimo, and Aolin!

News】2023-04:受邀任 IEEE GreenCom 2023 分领域主席(Track Chair),欢迎优秀研究成果投稿

Invited as the Track Chair of IEEE GreenCom 2023 (The 19th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Dec. 17-19, Hainan China).  Welcome to submit your excellent work.


News】2022-11:实验室2篇文章(MagicBatch,SPath)被 IEEE 国际空天地一体化计算会议 (SAGC 2022) 录用。祝贺刘迪、天祺!

Two papers (MagicBatch,SPath) are accepted by IEEE International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2022).  Congratulations to Di and Tianqi!




实验室3篇文章 (WinCross, E-Cube, WSpeed) 被 IEEE 国际空天地一体化计算会议 (SAGC 2021) 录用。其中E-Cube和WinCross两篇,分别获得Best Student Paper AwardDistinguished Paper Award。祝贺子墨、筑阳、洺月!

Three papers (Wincross, E-Cube, WSpeed) are accepted by ieee international conference on space-air-ground computing (sagc 2021). E-Cube and WinCross received "Best Student Paper Award" and "Distinguished Paper Award", respectively. Congratulations to Zimo, Zhuyang, and Mingyue!


受邀任 BDMLN with ICCCN 2022 共同主席,欢迎优秀研究成果投稿,2022.03.13截止

Invited to be the Co-Chair of BDMLN with ICCCN 2022 (IEEE International Workshop on Big Data and Machine Learning for Networking with ICCCN, July 25-28, 2022, Honolulu),DDL: Mar. 13th, 2022.

部分论文 | Selected Publications  (Full list: Google Scholar)

  • 国际会议 | Conference Papers 

[C17] Aolin Zhang, Di Liu, Tianhao Li, Xin Cui and Kuangyu Zheng*, "BROAD: Joint Beamwidth and Path Optimization for Energy-efficient UAV-Assisted Data Collection", the 25th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2024)Dubai, UAE, April 2024.

[C16] Yue Shi, Tianqi Zhao, Xin Cui, Tianhao Li and Kuangyu Zheng*, "TriStack: Efficient Stackelberg Game-Based Offloading for Cloud-Edge-Terminal Computing",  the 25th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2024), Dubai, UAE, April 2024.

[C15] Di Liu, Zimo Ma, Aolin Zhang, Kuangyu Zheng*, "Efficient GPU Resource Management under Latency and Power Constraints for Deep Learning Inference", the 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2023), Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2023.

[C14] Zimo Ma, Yifeng Li, Di Liu, Ziheng Zhang, Kuangyu Zheng*, "CHESS: Joint Energy and Makespan Optimization for Dynamic CNN Task Scheduling on the Heterogeneous System". 2023 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2023), Zhuhai, China, Feb. 2023.

[C13] Di Liu, Zimo Ma, Aolin Zhang, Kuangyu Zheng*, “MagicBatch: An Energy-aware Scheduling Framework for DNN Inference on Heterogeneous Edge Servers in Space-air-ground Computation”, The 2022 International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2022), Fiji, Dec. 2022.

[C12] Tianqi Zhao, Mingyue Zhao, Yue Shi, Kuangyu Zheng*, “SPath: An Energy-efficient DAG Task Offloading Scheme with Space-Ground Cooperative Computing”, The 2022 International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2022), Fiji, Dec. 2022.

[C11] Zimo Ma, Zhuyang Zhou, Mingyue Zhao, Kuangyu Zheng*, “WinCross: Find the Energy-Efficient Crossing Window for UAV with Joint Optimization of Path and Speed”, IEEE International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2021), Huizhou China, Oct. 2021.【Distinguished Paper Award

[C10] Zhuyang Zhou, Zimo Ma, Mingyue Zhao, Kuangyu Zheng*, “E-Cube: Energy-Efficient UAV Trajectory Scheduling with Height and Speed Optimization”, IEEE International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2021), Huizhou China, Oct. 2021. 【Best Student Paper Award

[C9] Mingyue Zhao, Zimo Ma, Zhuyang Zhou, Kuangyu Zheng*, “WSpeed: Drone Energy Optimization for Multiple-Package Delivery Considering Weight Changes”, IEEE International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC 2021), Huizhou China, Oct. 2021

[C8] Yunhao Bai, Zejiang Wang, Kuangyu Zheng, Xiaorui Wang, and Junmin Wang,WiDrive: Adaptive WiFi-based Recognition of Driver Activity for Real-time and Safe Takeover”, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019), July 2019. (Acceptance rate: 19.6%)CCF B

[C7] Yunhao Bai, Kuangyu Zheng, Zejiang Wang, Xiaorui Wang, and Junmin Wang, "Dynamic Channel Selection for Real-time Safety Message Communication in Vehicular Networks", IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2018), December 2018. (Acceptance rate: 37/166 = 22%)CCF A

[C6] Kuangyu Zheng and Xiaorui Wang, "Dynamic Control of Flow Completion Time for Power Efficiency of Data Center Networks", IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), June 2017. (Acceptance rate: 90/531 = 16%) CCF B

[C5] Kuangyu Zheng, Xiaorui Wang, and Jia Liu, "DISCO: Distributed Traffic Flow Consolidation for Power Efficiency of Data Center Network", IFIP Networking Conference (Networking 2017), June 2017. (Acceptance rate: 43/150 = 28%)

[C4] Kuangyu Zheng, Bruce Beitman, and Xiaorui Wang, “CoSmart: Coordinating Smartphone with Desktop Computer for Joint Energy Savings”, IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2017), July 2017. (Acceptance rate: 14/73 = 19%)

[C3] Kuangyu Zheng, Xiaodong Wang, and Xiaorui Wang, “PowerFCT: Power Optimization of Data Center Network with Flow Completion Time Constraints”, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2015), May 2015. (Acceptance rate:108/496= 21%)(CCF B

[C2] Kuangyu Zheng, Xiaodong Wang, Li Li, and Xiaorui Wang, “Joint Power Optimization of Data Center Network and Servers with Correlation Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), April 2014. (Acceptance rate: 320/1645 = 19%)CCF A类,至2020年,他引110+次,SCI他引50+

[C1] Qing Wu, Kuangyu Zheng, Qiao Li, and Huagang Xiong, “Design and Implementation of Sub-GHz Transmitter for Ultra-Wideband Through-Wall Radar”, IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2010), September 2010.

  • 国际期刊 | Journal Papers

[J9] Liang Zhang, Wenli Zheng, Kuangyu Zheng, Hongzi Zhu, Chao Li, and Minyi Guo,"Bayesian-Driven Automated Scaling in Stream Computing with Multiple QoS Targets",IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) , vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1251-1267, July 2024(SCI-Q1, IF:5.3,CCF-A类)

[J8] 赵天祺,赵洺月,师越, 郑旷宇*,"基于星地协同的低时延任务卸载算法", 《无线电通信技术》-卫星互联网专题,2023.06. ,录用。

[J7] Kuangyu Zheng*, Zimo Ma, Mingyue Zhao, Zhuyang Zhou, Ziheng Zhang, and Yifeng Li, "Joint Efficient UAV Trajectory and Velocity Optimization for IoT Data Collection Using a New Projection Algorithm", Drones. Nov. 2022; 6(12):376. (Special Issue Autonomous Flight of Drone: Control, Trajectory Optimization and Mission Planning) SCI Q1, IF: 5.532

[J6] Kuangyu Zheng, Xiaorui Wang, and Jia Liu, “Distributed Traffic Flow Consolidation for Power Efficiency of Large-scale Data Center Network”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC). December 2022; 10(2):996-1007 . SCI Q1, IF: 5.967

[J5] Yunhao Bai, Kuangyu Zheng, Zejiang Wang, Xiaorui Wang, and Junmin Wang, "MC-Safe: Multi-channel Real-time V2V Communication for Enhancing Driving Safety", ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), 2020, 4(4):1-27. SCI Q1, IF: 2.3

[J4] Kuangyu Zheng, Yunhao Bai, and Xiaorui Wang, “FCTcon: Dynamic Control of Flow Completion Time in Data Center Networks for Power Efficiency”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC). 2019; 9(4):1467-1478. SCI Q1, IF: 7.928

[J3] Kuangyu Zheng, Wenli Zheng, Li Li, and Xiaorui Wang, “PowerNetS: Coordinating Data Center Networkwith Servers and Cooling for Power Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) 14(3): 661-675, September 2017. SCI Q1, IF: 3.286

[J2] Xiaodong Wang, Xiaorui Wang, Kuangyu Zheng, Yanjun Yao, and Qing Cao, "Correlation-Aware Traffic Consolidation for Power Optimization of Data Center Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 27(4): 992-1006, April 2016SCI Q1, IF:3.971, CCF A

[J1] Tianliang Zheng, Yuehong Wang, Kuangyu Zheng, Qian Li, Ye Tao, "Electromagnetism and absorptivity of the modified micro-coiled chiral carbon fibers", Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20.6 (2007): 559-563. SCI Q1, IF: 1.693

  • [1]. 2013.12 -- 2018.8

    [美国]俄亥俄州立大学       计算机工程       博士研究生毕业       博士学位

  • [2]. 2011.9 -- 2013.12

    [美国]俄亥俄州立大学       计算机工程       硕士研究生毕业       硕士学位

  • [3]. 2008.9 -- 2011.1

    北京航空航天大学       信息与通信工程       硕士研究生毕业       硕士学位

  • [4]. 2004.9 -- 2008.7

    北京航空航天大学       电子信息工程       大学本科毕业       学士学位

  • [1]. 2019.9 -- 至今

    北京航空航天大学      电子信息工程学院      Assoicate Professor      副教授

  • [2]. 2017.7 -- 2017.12

    微软亚洲研究院      云与移动计算组      Research Intern      研究实习生

    [1]. 2020.11 -- 至今


    [2]. 2020.8 -- 至今



    分领域主席(Track Chair): The 19th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreemCom 2023);
    共同主席(Co-Chair): IEEE International Workshop on Big Data and Machine Learning for Networking (BDMLN with ICCCN 2022)
    大会注册主席 (Registration Chair): USENIX International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2017)


    程序委员会委员(TPC member):
    IEEE  International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2024)
    IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ( ICDCS 2020, 2021 ),Demo & Poster Session
    IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems ( ICPADS 2021 )
    IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2021)
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2021,workshop)


    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) [CCF-A, SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) [CCF-A, SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) [SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM) [SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics(TII)[SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) [SCI-Q1]
    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC)
    IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN)

版权所有 2014-2022 北京航空航天大学  京ICP备05004617-3  文保网安备案号1101080018
地址:北京市海淀区学院路37号  邮编:100191  电话:82317114