的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/jijinzu/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: J. Z. Ji, J. X. Jiang, Z. Y. Guan, F. L. Liu, and Y. P. Ma, "Research on scattering characteristics of metamaterials based on ADE-FDTD," Optik, vol. 164, pp. 402-406, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.03.046.
下一条: J. Z. Ji, K. F. Tong, A. Al-Armaghany, and T. S. Leung, "A feasibility study of elastography based confocal microwave imaging technique for breast cancer detection," Optik, vol. 144, pp. 108-114, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.06.072.