Huang XingRong

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Associate Professor  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:Teaching and research on mechanics

Other Post:Internship Program Coordinator


Huang Xingrong, female, from 2006 to 2013, received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and applied mathematics, a master's degree in control science and engineering, and a PhD in mechanics from Ecole Central de Lyon in France on November 2016, a postdoctoral fellow in the French National Laboratory of Friction and System Dynamics (biomechanics research group), and then stayed as a teacher at Ecole Central de Lyon, undertaking related teaching of engineering mechanics courses.

She is currently a lecturer and master tutor in mechanics at Beihang Sino-French Engineering College. In terms of teaching, her current teaching work includes: 3 basic mechanics courses for undergraduates-(1) elastic mechanics, (2) resistance of material and (3) advanced structural dynamics; 2 engineering mechanics courses for postgraduates-(4) computational mechanics and (5) fluid-structure coupling dynamics

She has supervised school-level or college-level excellent bachelor projects of undergraduate students for three years successively, and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Undergraduate Project Instructor of Beihang University". Presided over 1 college-level first-class undergraduate course construction project and1 postgraduate practice lecture hall; 1 Beihang key teaching reform project, 1 production-university-research collaboration education project of the Ministry of Education, and 1 Beihang graduate education and development special project have been successfully completed. Participated in 1 Beihang University-level first-class undergraduate curriculum construction project, Beihang Double Hundred Quality Curriculum Construction Project 1 electrical experiment, participated in the compilation of 1 electrical experiment textbook, 1 industrial science and practical textbook, and 1 French-Chinese fluid-solid coupling dynamics foundation monograph.

In terms of scientific research, she is mainly engaged in research on aeronautique and aerospace structures vibration and control, robot dynamics and control, tissue engineering and vascular dynamics in biomechanics, and optimization design of complex system structure dynamics. At present, she has published more than 10 English SCI and EI papers. She was approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth Science Fund. As a core menber, she closely participated in 2 basic research projects of the "Two Major Special Projects", 1 key project of the National Natural Science Foundation, and 1 horizontal project of the scientific research, 1 horizontal project of the scientific research has been successfully concluded.

Educational ExperienceMore>>

2006.9 2010.7

  • Beihang University
  • Mathematics
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University graduated

2010.1 2010.7

  • Ecole Centrale de Paris
  • Mathematics
  • 欧盟项目资助的国际交换生

2010.9 2013.1

  • Beihang University
  • Control Science and Engineering
  • Master's degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

2013.3 2016.11

  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Mechanics
  • Doctoral degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work Experience

2018.4 2024.6
  • Beihang University
  • Ecole Centrale de Pekin
  • Vice-Dean of Ecole Centrale de Pekin
  • Associate professor
  • Associate professor
2016.12 2017.8
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Département Mécanique des Solides - Génie Mécanique - Génie Civil - MS.GM.GC.
  • ATER

Social Affiliations

2022.7 Now

  • Young Editorial Board of International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Research Group

Name of Research Group:Bachelor students
Description of Research Group:陈长益,钟雨雷,胡家豪,李莎,梅丽丝;杨东来,冯文续,白丽,任振江;姚毅,肖凯文,杨文畅,方泓铭,王维士
Name of Research Group:Master student
Description of Research Group:Yang DongLai, Lin ZeYu,Yao Yi, Xiao KaiWen, Yang WenChang, He ZiLiang, Ke KaiChen