Experimental study on impact and post-impact behavior of steel-concrete composite panels
- 发表刊物:Thin-Walled Structures
- 关键字:Steel-concrete composite panel Impact behavior Compressive preload Post-impact behavior Residual str
- 摘要:This paper investigates the impact and post-impact behavior of steel-concrete composite (SC) panels. Impact
tests were carried out on eight specimens in an instrumented drop hammer rig. The parameters studied in these
tests include the impact energy and axial compressive preload prior to impact. Test results such as dynamic
response process, impact force-displacement relation, and permanent deformations were discussed. After impact,
the specimens along with two undamaged ones were tested under quasi-static compressive loads. Based on the
relation between the residual compressive strength and t
- 论文类型:应用研究
- 一级学科:土木工程
- 文献类型:期刊
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2018-06-08
- 收录刊物:SCI