Hysteretic model for steel–concrete composite shear walls subjected to in-plane cyclic loading
- 发表刊物:Engineering Structures
- 关键字:Steel–concrete composite shear wall Hysteretic model Negative post-peak stiffness Collapse
- 摘要:Steel–concrete composite (SC) shear walls are being widely used as an alternative to reinforced concrete
walls. Investigations on seismic behavior of SC walls have been conducted to develop design
specifications for safety-related nuclear facilities. However, there is a lack of hysteretic models that
can be used to predict structural performance as the structure approaches collapse. This paper presents
(a) the analysis of experimental results of 32 SC wall specimens, and (b) the derivation and calibration of
a quadri-linear backbone with negative post-peak stiffness and associated hysteretic r
- 论文类型:基础研究
- 一级学科:土木工程
- 文献类型:期刊
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2016-03-01
- 收录刊物:SCI