Impact response of steel-concrete composite panels: Experiments and FE analyses
- 发表刊物:Steel and Composite Structures
- 关键字:steel-concrete composite panel; low-velocity impact; axial preload; dynamic response; numerical simu
- 摘要:A steel-concrete composite (SC) panel typically consists of two steel faceplates and a plain concrete core. This paper investigated the impact response of SC panels through drop hammer tests and numerical simulations. The influence of the drop height, faceplate thickness, and axial compressive preload was studied. Experimental results showed that the deformation of SC panels under impact consists of local indentation and overall bending. The resistance of the panel significantly decreased after the local failure occurred. A three-dimensional finite element model was established to simulate the
- 论文类型:基础研究
- 一级学科:土木工程
- 文献类型:期刊
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2018-03-08
- 收录刊物:SCI