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Wave Electromechanical Coupling Factor for the Guided Waves in Piezoelectric Composites



Abstract:A novel metrics termed the ‘wave electromechanical coupling factor’ (WEMCF) is proposed in this paper, to quantify the coupling strength between the mechanical and electric fields during the passage of a wave in piezoelectric composites. Two definitions of WEMCF are proposed, leading to a frequency formula and two energy formulas for the calculation of such a factor. The frequency formula is naturally consistent with the conventional modal electromechanical coupling factor (MEMCF) but the implementation is difficult. The energy formulas do not need the complicated wave matching required in the

First Author:Yu Fan

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

First-Level Discipline:Mechanics

Document Type:J

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-08-10

Included Journals:SCI、EI


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