Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Other Post:北航第九届教代会常设主席团成员
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Pre One:Hongxun Wang, Weifang Zhang, Jingyu Zhang, Wei Dai*, Yan Zhao, Investigative Method for Fatigue Crack Propagation Based on a Small Time Scale [J]. Materials, 2018; 11(5): 774. SCI收录,Q2区3.236(82/275). Material Science
Next One:Yubing Huang, Wei Dai*, Lianxi Liu, Yu Zhao, Screening Scheme Evaluation of the Assembly Process Based on the Stress-Strength Model and Defect Stream Analysis, Entropy [J]. 2018, 20(6):447. SCI收录,Q2区1.82(26/79)Physics