Li Jia
Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:中国科学院计算技术研究所
.Luwei Hou, Yu Zhang*, Kui Fu and Jia Li*. Informative and Consistent Correspondence Mining for Cross-Domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021 (CCF-A, Oral).
.Yifan Zhao, Ke Yan, Feiyue Huang and Jia Li*. Graph-based High-Order Relation Discovery for Fine-grained Recognition. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021 (CCF-A, Poster).
.Zhirui Zhao, Changqun Xia*, Chenxi Xie and Jia Li*. Complementary Trilateral Decoder for Fast and Accurate Salient Object Detection. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021. (CCF-A)
.Zhongxing Ma, Yifan Zhao and Jia Li*. Pose-guided Inter-and Intra-part Relational Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021. (CCF-A)
.Jiawei Zhao, Yifan Zhao and Jia Li*. M3TR: Multi-modal Multi-label Recognition with Transformer. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021. (CCF-A)
.Daxin Gu, Jia Li*, Yu Zhang* and Yonghong Tian. How to Learn a Domain-Adaptive Event Simulator? ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021. (CCF-A)
.Hongyu Li, Jia Li*, Dong Zhao and Long Xu. DehazeFlow: Multi-scale Conditional Flow Network for Single Image Dehazing. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2021. (CCF-A)
.Guangyao Chen, Peixi Peng, Li Ma, Jia Li, Du Lin, and Yonghong Tian*. Amplitude-Phase Recombination: Rethinking Robustness of CNN in Frequency Domain. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021. (CCF-A, Poster)
.Jiajian Zhao, Yifan Zhao, Jia Li*, Ke Yan, and Yonghong Tian. Heterogeneous Relational Complement for Vehicle Re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021. (CCF-A, Poster)
.Jiawei Zhao, Ke Yan, Yifan Zhao, Xiaowei Guo, Feiyue Huang, and Jia Li*. Transformer-based Dual Relation Graph for Multi-label Image Recognition. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021. (CCF-A, Poster)