Journal:Applied Soft Computing
Key Words:Spare parts; Optimization model; Uncertainty theory; Uncertain variable; Uncertainty distribution
Abstract:The optimization of spare parts inventory for equipment system is becoming a dominant support strategy, especially in the defense industry. Tremendous researches have been made to achieve optimal support performance of the supply system. However, the lack of statistical data brings limitations to these optimization models which are based on probability theory. In this paper, personal belief degree is adopted to compensate the data deficiency, and the uncertainty theory is employed to characterize uncertainty arising from subjective personal cognition. A base-depot support system is taken into
Co-author:Han Qiao,Rui Kang
First Author:wenmeilin
Indexed by:Development research
Correspondence Author:Cissy Yang
Document Code:000402364000049
First-Level Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
Document Type:J
Page Number:646-654
ISSN No.:15684946
Translation or Not:no
CN No.:null
Date of Publication:2017-11-07
Included Journals:SCI
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2014-01-20
Business Address:为民楼334
Contact Information:82314879
Academic Titles:教授
Other Post:国防重点实验室主任助理
Alma Mater:南京理工大学
Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
Honors and Titles:
军队科技进步奖二等奖 2009
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