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Pan Qiang

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Associate Professor  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Changrui Chen, Tian He, Dengyun Wu, Qiang Pan*, Hong Wang, Xiaofeng Liu, A Fault Diagnosis Method for Satellite Flywheel Bearings Based on 3D Correlation Dimension Clustering Technology, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 78483-78492.


Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Qiang Pan, Zheyuan Zhang, Xiaofeng Liu, Design of H∝ Output Feedback Controller for Gas Turbine Engine Distributed Control with Random Packet Dropouts, IEEE Access, 2019, 7:1030-1039.

Next One:Dayong Hu, Yongzhen Wang, Linwei Dang, Qiang Pan*, Energy absorption characteristics of composite tubes with different fibers and matrix under axial quasi-static and impact crushing conditions, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32 (6): 2587-2599.