Dayong Hu*, Kangpei Meng, Hanlin Jiang. Experimental investigation of dynamic properties of AerMet 100 steel, Procedia Engineering, 2015(99):1459-1464(EI收录)
上一条: Hu Dayong*, Zhang Xiang. Full-scale crash test and FEM simulation of a crashworthy helicopter seat. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2012, 27(2):395-400(EI收录)
下一条: 胡大勇, 杨嘉陵, 王赞平, 魏教育, 童亚斌, 某型飞机水上迫降模型数值化研究, 北京航空航天大学学报, 2008, 34(12): 1369-1383 (EI)