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Prof. Dr. Cong Wang,  Professor

School. of Microelectronics, Beihang University

37 Xueyuan Rd. Haidian District



Phone: 010-82338346

Mobile: 13691281903


His research interests are in the fields of condensed matter physics and solar energy physics, including structure, magnetic and electronic transport of antiperovskite structured Mn3XN(C) materials,such as negative thermal expansion, magnetostriction, baromagnetic, magnetocaloric, abnormal Hall effect, complex nonlinear magnetic structure and their properties; solar selective absorbing/emitting/transmitting coatings and surface for solar thermal power, radiation cooling, photoelectron sensor. He got his B. S. Degree in 1989 from Dept. of Physics, Lanzhou University, and he got his Ph. D in 1995 from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China . He was also an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) research fellow, due to his working in Institute of Physical  Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe in Germany from 2,1998-5,1999. He had ever worked in Laboratory GREMI (CNRS), University of Orleans in France (7,2002 – 10,2003), and Queen Mary, University of London (2-3, 2006) as a visiting scholar. He had also worked in National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) in USA for 3 months (9-12, 2009), and University of Blazer Pascal in Clermont Ferrand, France for one month each year. He began to work as Associate Professor in Beihang University from 7, 1999, and got his Professor Position in Dept. of Physics, Beihang University from 7, 2003.

He is the Board Member of Chinese Physics Society and Chinese Crystallography Society, vice-director of Powder X-ray Diffraction Committee in Chinese Physics Society, vice-director of Ecomaterial Committee in Chinese Material Society, member of Phase Diagram and Phase Transition Committee in Chinese Physics Society, member  of  International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD, USA). He is Editor-in-chief of Journal of Solar Energy Research Updates, and the Editorial Board member of these Journals: Journal of Materiomics, Materials China, J. Chinese Ceramic Society, J. of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hans J. of Nanotechnology, NAT,.

Up to now, he has published about 240 papers with the total SCI citation index above 3000, 13 national patents and got his honor as New Century Excellent Talents in University from Ministry of Education in China in 2005, and an Award of Natural Science Achievement in University from Ministry of Education in China in 2012, due to his great contribution in the field of functional materials. He has given more than 30 invited speaks in International Conferences and organized 1st National Workshop of Abnormal Thermal Expansion and Antiperovskite Materials and 4th  Chinese-French Symposium on Advanced Materials CFSAM-4as chairman of the organizing committee. Now he is carrying out research projects about high temperature stable solar selective absorbing coatings for solar thermal absorber, and structure, magnetic and electrical properties in antiperovskite structured materials Mn3XN(C, B) from NSFC, MOST and some industrial companies.


Contact address:

School. of Microelectronics, Beihang University

100191, Beijing,  P. R. China

Tel/Fax:         0086-10-82338346

E-mail:           congwang@buaa.edu.cn


Representative publications (20 selection from 240 papers)

1.       <Solid surface, interface and thin films> - written by Hans Lvth translation into Chinese by Cong Wang, Ying Sun, Lei WangHigh Education Press3, 2019

2.       Kewen Shi, Ying Sun, Jun Yan, Sihao Deng, Lei Wang, Pengwei Hu, Huiqing Lu, Muhammad Imran Malik, Hui Wu, Qingzhen Huang, Cong Wang*  Advanced Materials 28(2016)3761–3767 “Baromagnetic Effect in Antiperovskite Mn3Ga0.95N0.94  by Neutron Powder Diffraction Analysis”

3.       Sihao Deng*, Gerda Fischer, Marc Uhlarz, Joachim Wosnitza, Klaus-Peter Bohnen, Rolf Heid, Cong Wang, and Christoph Sürgers+, Advanced  Functional  Materials (2019) 1900947  “Controlling chiral spin states of a triangular-lattice magnet by cooling in a magnetic field”

4.       Sihao Deng, Ying Sun,* Hui Wu, Qingzhen Huang, Jun Yan, Kewen Shi, Muhammad Imran Malik, Huiqing Lu, Lei Wang, Rongjin Huang, Laifeng Li, and Cong Wang*, Chem. Mater. 27(2015) 2495−2501, “Invar-like Behavior of Antiperovskite Mn3+xNi1xN Compounds”

5.       Ping Song, Cong Wang,* Ying Sun, Angélique Bousquet, and Eric Tomasella, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12(2020)4123−4128, “Broadband and Wide-Temperature-Range Thermal Emitter with Super-Hydrophobicity Based on Oxidized High-Entropy Film”

6.       Kewen Shi, Cong Wang, Ying Sun,*, Lei Wang,*, Sihao Deng, Pengwei Hu, Huiqing Lu,

Weichang Hao, Tianmin Wang, and Weihua Tang, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9(2017)

12592−12600 “Rectifying Characteristics and Semiconductor−Metal Transition Induced by

Interfacial Potential in the Mn3CuN/n-Si Intermetallic Heterojunction”

7.       Kewen Shi, Ying Sun*, Claire V. Colin, Lei Wang, Jun Yan, Sihao Deng, Huiqing Lu, Wenjun Zhao,Yamaura Kazunari, Pierre Bordet, and Cong Wang*, Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018) 054110 “Investigation of the spin-lattice coupling in Mn3Ga1−xSnxN antiperovskites”

8.     Cong Wang*, Lihua Chu, Qingrong Yao, Ying Sun, Meimei Wu, Lei Ding, Jun Yan, Yuanyuan Na, Weihua Tang, Guannan Li, Qingzhen Huang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Phys. Rev. B ( rapid comm.) 85 (2012) 220103(R) “Tuning the range, magnitude, and sign of the thermal expansion in intermetallic Mn3(Zn, M)x N(M = Ag, Ge)”

9.       Ying Sun, Pengwei Hu, Kewen Shi, Hui Wu, Sihao Deng, Qingzhen Huang, Zhiyong Mao, Ping Song, Lei Wang, Weichang Hao, Shenghua Deng, and Cong Wang*, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 024409 (2019) 024409:1-7, “Giant zero-field cooling exchange-bias-like behavior in antiperovskite Mn3Co0.61Mn0.39N compound”

10.    P. Song, L. Ma,* G.K. Li, C.M. Zhen, C. Wang, E.K. Liu, W.H. Wang, J.L. Chen, G.H. Wu,Y.H. Xia, J. Zhang, C.M. Xie, H. Li, and D.L. Hou Phys. Rev. Applied 11(2019) 054018  “Dynamic Magnetic-Transformation-Induced Exchange Bias in [α-Fe2O3]0.1[FeTiO3]0.9

11.    Ying Sun, Cong Wang*, Qingzhen Huang, Yanfeng Guo, Lihua Chu, Masao Arai, Kazunari Yamaura  Inorganic Chemistry 51(13)(2012)7232 “ Neutron diffraction study of unusual phase separation in the antiperovskite nitride Mn3ZnN”

12.    Jun Yan, Ying Sun, Yongchun Wen, Lihua Chu, Meimei Wu, Qingzhen Huang, Cong Wang*, Jeffrey W. Lynn, and Yunlin Chen, Inorganic Chemistry 53( 2014) 2317−2324, “Relationship between Spin Ordering, Entropy, and Anomalous Lattice Variation in Mn3Sn1−εSiεC1−δ Compounds”

13.    Yongxin Wu, Cong Wang*, Ying Sun, Yafei Xue, Yuping Ning, Wenwen Wang, Shuxi Zhao, Eric Tomasella, Angélique Bousquet Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 134(2015)373-380,  “Optical simulation and experimental optimization of Al/NbMoN/NbMoON/SiO2 solar selective absorbing coatings”

14.    Lei Wang*, Cong Wang*, Hubin Luo and Ying Sun , J. Phys. Chem. C, 121(2017) 333−341“Correlation between Uniaxial Negative Thermal Expansion and Negative Linear Compressibility in Ag3[Co(CN)6]”

15.    Yu Liu, Cong Wang*, Yafei Xue, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells  962012131-136 “Spectral Properties and Thermal Stability of NbTiON Solar Selective Absorbing Coating”

16.    Jun Yan, Ying Sun*, Hui Wu, Qingzhen Huang , Cong Wang* , Zaixing ShiSihao Deng , Kewen Shi, Huiqing Lu, Lihua Chu,  Acta Materialia 74 (2014) 58–65  “Phase transitions and Magnetocaloric effect in Mn3Cu0.89N0.96

17.    Lei Ding, Cong Wang*, Lihua Chu, Jun Yan, Yuanyuan Na, Qingzhen Huang, Xiaolong Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 251905 “Near zero temperature coefficient of resistivity in antiperovskite Mn3Ni1-xCuxN”

18.   Ying Sun, Cong Wang*, Yongchun Wen, Kaigui ZhuJingtai Zhao Appl. Phys. Lett.  912007231913 “Lattice contraction and magnetic and electronic transport properties of Mn3Zn1−xGexN”

19.    C. Wang, C. Dong, et al., Phys. Rev. B 55(1997)3935-3942. " The Relationship between Lattice Parameter and Superconductivity in the 2-1-4 Series Cuprates

20.    Jian-Wang Cai, Cong Wang, Bao-Gen Shen, Jian-Gao Zhao, Wen-Shan Zhan,   Appl. Phys. Lett. 71(12)(1997)1727-1729  “Colossal Magnetoresistance of Spin-Glass Perovskite  La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 "