Education Level:博士研究生
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
MORE+2017年初获得北航电子信息工程学院通信与信息系统博士学位,随后赴丹麦科技大学(Technical University of Denmark, DTU)从事为期两年的博后工作。2019年荣获欧盟“地平线-2020”研究与创新框架下杰出人才计划“玛丽·居里学者”(Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship)项目的资助,与德国慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich, TUM)的研究团队开展为期两年的合作研究。2021年底正式加入北航任教至今,并于2022年正式受聘为TUM客座科学家。2022年入选国家级青年人才计划。
立足于计算机与通信学科交叉,长期从事实时通信网络、实时系统等形式化分析、配置与验证等研究工作,相关实时性研究对于安全关键性领域(航空航天、工业自动化、无人驾驶等)通信的正确性起到核心作用。发表SCI/EI等论文20余篇,出版专著1部,其中以第一作者的代表性论著发表在IEEE TII、TIE、IEEE TNSM、Real-Time Systems、RTSS、RTAS等实时系统网络国际顶级期刊及顶级会议上,谷歌引用1000余次,h指数为14。担任IEEE RTNS、ETFA、WoNeCa等TPC member,担任多个顶级IEEE TII、IEEE/ACM ToN、IEEE TCOM等审稿人。
代表性论文(Full list: Google Scholar)
[1] Anlan Xie, Feng He, Luxi Zhao*. "Optimizing Quantum Assignment for DRR in TSN: A Network Calculus-Based Method", Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), CCF-A, 2024.
[2] Luxi Zhao, Xinyu Zhang, Feng He, Zheng Li. "Incremental Performance Analysis for Accelerating Verification of TSN Network Reconfigurations", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Early Access, 2024.
[3] Luxi Zhao, Yida Yan, and Xuan Zhou. "Minimum Bandwidth Reservation for CBS in TSN with Real-Time QoS Guarantees." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 20(4), 2023.
[2] Luxi Zhao*, Paul Pop, and Sebastian Steinhorst. "Quantitative Performance Comparison of Various Traffic Shapers in Time-Sensitive Networking." IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19(3), 2022 (citations 43).
[3] Luxi Zhao*, Paul Pop, Zhong Zheng, Hugo Daigmorte, and Marc Boyer. "Latency analysis of multiple classes of AVB traffic in TSN with standard credit behavior using network calculus." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(10), 2020 (citations 67).
[4] Luxi Zhao*, Paul Pop, Zijie Gong, and Bingwu Fang. "Improving latency analysis for flexible window-based GCL scheduling in TSN networks by integration of consecutive nodes offsets." IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(7), 2020 (citations 27).
[5] Luxi Zhao*, Paul Pop, Zhong Zheng, and Qiao Li. "Timing analysis of AVB traffic in TSN networks using network calculus." in Proc. of IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2018 (citations 148).
[6] Luxi Zhao*, Paul Pop, and Silviu S. Craciunas. "Worst-case latency analysis for IEEE 802.1 Qbv time sensitive networks using network calculus." IEEE Access, 6, 2018 (citations 125).
[7] Luxi Zhao, Paul Pop, Qiao Li, Junyan Chen, and Huagang Xiong. "Timing analysis of rate-constrained traffic in TTEthernet using network calculus." Real-Time Systems, 53(2), 2017, (citations 90).
[8] Luxi Zhao, Huagang Xiong, Zhong Zheng, and Qiao Li. "Improving worst-case latency analysis for rate-constrained traffic in the time-triggered ethernet network." IEEE Communications Letters, 18(11), 2014 (citations 64).