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  • 沙磊 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/shalei/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

I am a Professor in the AI institute of Beihang University. Before that, I was a research associate advised by Prof. Thomas Lukasiewicz in the Intelligent System Lab, University of Oxford. Previously, I was an NLP research scientist in Apple. While at Apple, I am responsible for Siri’s module, such as domain classification and chit-chat dialogue. Before that, in 2018, I obtained my PhD degree and graduated from Peking University, China, where I worked with Prof. Zhifang Sui, Prof. Baobao Chang, and Prof. Sujian Li. I also served as a research assistant in Microsoft Research Asia, working with Chin-yew Lin, Lintao Zhang, and Qi Chen. During my PhD period, I majored in information extraction and text generation. I have published many first-author papers in top conferences of NLP, such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, AAAI, etc. My research interest focus on natural language understanding, controllable text generation, and interpretable deep NLP models.

  • [1]. 2013.9 -- 2018.7

    北京大学       计算机科学与技术       博士研究生毕业       理学博士学位

  • [1]. 2020.3 -- 2022.3

    牛津大学      计算机系      副研究员

  • [2]. 2018.8 -- 2020.4

    Apple Inc      Siri NL      NLP Research Scientist

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