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  • 李立军 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/lilijun/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   副教授   硕士生导师



[1] 汽车轻量化:结构优化设计,CAE仿真分析,先进制造工艺

[2] 汽车智能化:智能车辆,环境感知,控制执行

[3] 智能材料:纳米导电智能材料,传感器

[4] 航空航天:结构损伤失效分析,结构优化,结构健康监测

[5] 海洋工程:海洋平台结构设计,水动力仿真,流-固耦合仿真

[6] 3D打印:复合材料3D打印,仿生设计,力学性能


[1] Li Lijun, Liu Wenyao, Sun Lingyu. Mechanical characterization of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2022: 109618. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[2] Li Lijun, Liu Wenyao, Wang Yubo, et al. Mechanical performance and damage monitoring of CFRP thermoplastic laminates with an open hole repaired by 3D printed patches[J]. Composite Structures, 2023, 303: 116308. (ESI Hot Paper,中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[3]  Li Lijun, Liu Wenyao, Hu Tao, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on the mechanical and electrical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube/waterborne polyurethane coated 3D printing carbon fiber reinforced composites[J]. Polymer Composites, 2022, 43(7): 4382-4393. (JCR Q1区)

[4] Zhang Yiben, Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*, et al. Effects of strain rate and high temperature environment on the mechanical performance of  carbon fiberreinforced thermoplastic composites fabricated by hot press molding[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 134: 105905. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[5] Chu Yantao , Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*. Lightweight scheme selection for automotive safety structures using a quantifiable multi-objective approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 241: 1-15. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[6] Zhang Yiben, Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*, et al. An efficient numerical method to analyze low-velocity impact response of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic laminates[J]. Polymer Composites, 2020, 41: 2673-268. (JCR Q1区)

[7] Zhang Yiben, Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*, et al. Direct injection molding and mechanical properties of high strength steel/composite hybrids[J]. Composite Structures, 2019, 210: 70-81. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[8] Li Lijun, Sun Lingyu, et al. Repeated low-velocity impact response and damage mechanism of glass fiber aluminium laminates[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84: 995-1010. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[9] Zhang Yiben, Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations on low-velocity impact response of high strength steel/composite hybrid plate[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 123: 1-13. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)

[10] Wang Qian, Sun Lingyu, Li Lijun*, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations on microstructures and mechanical properties of hybrid fiber reinforced thermoplastic polymer[J]. Polymer Testing, 2018, 70: 215-225. (中科院SCI期刊1区,JCR Q1区)


[1] 李立军, 孙博文. 一种地效飞行汽车[P]. CN 2022108645856, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[2] 李立军, 门馨伟, 吴泽华, 等. 一种电动飞行汽车[P]. CN 2022108646882, 发明专利. (已授权)

[3] 李立军, 黄山峰, 胡淘. 一种落锤冲击实验**[P]. CN 2022109730269, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[4] 李立军. 一种连续纤维复合材料注塑成型工艺[P]. CN 2021100856727, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[5] 李立军. 一种复合材料结构冲击损伤的监测方法[P]. CN 2021100796779, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[6] 李立军. 一种金属材料结构的损伤监测及在线维修**[P]. CN 2022103192525, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[7] 李立军. 一种热固性复合材料结构的损伤监测及在线维修**[P]. CN 2022103266783, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[8] 李立军. 一种热塑性复合材料结构的损伤监测及在线维修**[P]. CN 2022103194130, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[9] 李立军. 一种塑料及复合材料结构的损伤监测和在线维修**[P]. CN 2022103193975, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[10] 李立军, 孙凌玉. 一种两足四轮可变行走机构多功能仿生机器人**[P]. CN 2018108999426, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[11] 李立军, 孙凌玉. 一种汽车车身胶接结构健康监测**[P]. CN 2017105788931, 发明专利. (已授权) 

[12] 李立军, 孙凌玉. 一种可伸缩式油位传感器**[P]. CN 2018216511886, 实用新型专利. (已授权) 






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