本人在北航(杭州校区)担任副教授,于民航动力关键技术与低污染燃烧领域深耕近十年,拥有扎实的研究基础。针对先进动力的宽域稳定燃烧、绿色航空能源的基础性应用、碳排放的解析与控制、燃烧反应动力学与熄火安全边界智慧分析等产出系列性成果。在北航攻读本硕博后,曾奔赴加拿大爱尔柏塔大学(QS Ranking 111)、香港理工大学(QS Ranking 65)从事博士后研究近4年。参与过10余项科研项目,主要包含5项国家/地方级项目。已发...details>
Research Focus
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Education Experience
2007/9-2011/7 北京航空航天大学(985&211) |  Transportation Engineering |  学士 
2011/9-2012/7 北京航空航天大学(985&211) |  Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology   硕博连读 
2012/9-2014/8 北京航空航天大学(985&211) |  Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics   博士 
2014/9-2016/3 英国 伯明翰大学(QS排名85) |  Mechanical Engineering   联合培养博士 
2016/4-2017/11 北京航空航天大学(985&211) |  Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics |  博士 
Work Experience
2018/1-2018/8 埃尔伯塔大学(加拿大 QS排名111)  | 博士后研究员 
2018/8-2021/11 香港理工大学(中国香港 QS排名65)  | 博士后研究员 
2022/4-2023/11 北京航空航天大学杭州创新研究院  | 研究员 
2023/11-Now 北京航空航天大学国际创新学院(985&211)  | 副教授 
- 1.Chen, Xiaofeng, Jiangdong Li, Yiling Ni, Zhirong Liang, Hangqiang Ding, Lei Liu, Xin Zhang, Ke Wu, and Tianhang Zhang. "Study on induced flow patterns and inlet velocity in inclined tunnel fire with natural ventilation." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (JCR ranking...
- 2.Tianlong Lu, Haoye Liu *, Zhirong Liang**, Yuanjing Wang and Tianyou Wang. The effects of ethylhexyl nitrate on the performance of dieselengine fueled with diesel and gasoline blends From engine benchtest to vehicle driving cycle test. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, (JCR....Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
- 3.Zhirong Liang, Haoye Liu*, Zhangliang Han, Yukun Fan and Lei Lei. Combustion and particulate ISVOC characteristics of an aero-engine combustor with dual-stage under operational power and injection pressure. Energy, (JCR ranking: Q1, IF: 9), 2024. 302, 131796..Energy
- 4.Haozhong Tian, Zhenkun Zheng, Xiaobing Pang, Senchen Lan, Zhangliang Han, Zhirong Liang and Dezhi Sun. A novel method for production of nitrogen fertilizer with low energy consumption by efficiently adsorbing and separating waste ammonia. Environmental Research, (JCR ranking: ....Environmental Research
- 5.Yuying Chen, Shaorun Lin, Zhirong Liang*, Nicholas C. Surawski et al. Smouldering organic waste removal technology with smoke emissions cleaned by self-sustained flame. Journal of Cleaner Production (JCR ranking: Q1, IF: 9.7) , 2022. 362, 132363..Journal of Cleaner Production
- 6.Zhirong Liang,Shaorun Lin, Xinyan Huang. Smoldering ignition and emission dynamics of wood under low irradiation. Fire and Materials (JCR ranking: Q4, IF: 2), 2022. Accepted..Fire and Materials