的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/junzhang/zh_CN/index.htm
张俊,教授,博导,国家级青年人才,航空学院人机与环境工程系主任。本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,博士毕业于中科院力学所。曾在中科院力学所,英国思克莱德大学、爱丁堡大学工作,2017年入职北航。任《Advances in Aerodynamics》编委、《航空学报》青年编委,力学学会高温气体动力学专业组成员。
主要研究方向为:稀薄气体动力学、高温非平衡流动、多尺度计算与机器学习。近五年的代表性工作包括:发展了从稀薄到连续流域的统一随机粒子方法(JCP, 2020; JCP, 2024)和多尺度随机粒子方法(JCP,2025),并开发了相关计算软件(CPC, 2023);提出了从微观分子模拟到宏观控制方程的数据驱动模式(JFM, 2020;JFM, 2024a),阐明了分子热涨落对湍流输运的影响(JFM, 2024b);搭建了从微观气固相互作用模型到宏观滑移边界条件的桥梁(PRE, 2021; JFM, 2024c)。在流体领域顶级期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Computational Physics, Physical Review系列等发表论文70余篇,Google Scholar引用1800余次。
1. J. Zhang*, and W. Ma, "Data-driven discovery of governing equations for fluid dynamics based on molecular simulation," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 892, A5 (2020).
2. F. Fei, J. Zhang*, J. Li, and Z. H. Liu*, "A unified stochastic particle Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook method for multiscale gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 400, 108972 (2020).
3. J. Zhang*, P. Luan, J. Deng, P. Tian, and T. Liang, "Theoretical derivation of slip boundary conditions for single-species gas and binary gas mixture," Physical Review E 104, 055103 (2021).
4. K. Feng, P. Tian, J. Zhang*, F. Fei, and D. Wen, "SPARTACUS: An open-source unified stochastic particle solver for the simulation of multiscale nonequilibrium gas flows, Computer Physics Communications 284, 108607 (2023).
5. K. Feng, Z. Cui, P. Tian, and J. Zhang*, "A unified stochastic particle method with spatiotemporal adaptation for simulating multiscale gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 505, 112915 (2024).
6. W. Ma, J. Zhang*, K. Feng, H. Xing, and D. Wen, "Dimensional homogeneity constrained gene expression programming for discovering governing equations," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 985, A12 (2024).
7. Q. Ma, C. Yang, S. Chen, K. Feng, Z. Cui, and J. Zhang*, "Effect of thermal fluctuations on spectra and predictability in compressible decaying isotropic turbulence," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 987, A29 (2024).
8. P. Luan, H. Yang, Q. Ma, and J. Zhang*, "A theoretical derivation of slip boundary conditions based on the Cercignani–Lampis–Lord scattering model," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 999, A36 (2024).
9. 张俊*,蒋亦凡,陈松,李帅辉,超低轨卫星气动阻力计算与减阻设计研究综述. 航空学报,2024,45(21):029796.
10. Z. Cui, K. Feng, Q. Ma, and J. Zhang*, "A multiscale stochastic particle method based on the Fokker-Planck model for nonequilibrium gas flows," Journal of Computational Physics 520, 113458 (2025).
中国科学院力学研究所  力学  博士研究生毕业  博士学位
中国科学技术大学  力学  大学本科毕业  学士学位
北京航空航天大学 教授,博导
英国爱丁堡大学 Research Associate
英国思克莱德大学 Research Associate
中国科学院力学研究所 副研究员
中国科学院力学研究所 助理研究员