

副教授  硕士生导师 






张金华,男,博士,北京航空航天大学数学科学学院准聘副教授。2011年获得吉林大学理学学士学位。2017年毕业于北京大学数学科学学院和法国勃艮第大学数学所,并分别获得北京大学博士学位和勃艮第-弗朗什-孔泰大学博士学位,师从文兰院士和 Christian Bonatti (CNRS研究员)。研究领域为微分动力系统。2017年9月至2019年8月,在巴黎第十一大学数学学院从事博士后研究工作,导师为 Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS研究员)。


  1. Ch. Bonatti and J. Zhang, Transverse foliations on the torus T2 and partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds. Comment. Math. Helv.  92 (2017), no. 3, 513--550. 

  2. Ch. Bonatti and J. Zhang, On the existence of non-hyperbolic ergodic measure as the limit of periodic measures.  Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems  39 (2019), no. 11,  2932--2967.    

  3. Ch. Bonatti and J. Zhang, Periodic measures and partially hyperbolic homoclinic classes. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), no. 2, 755--802.

  4. S.  Crovisier,   D. Yang and J. Zhang, Empirical measures of partially hyperbolic attractors.   Commu. Math. Phys.  375 (2020), no.1, 725--764.

  5. X. Wang and J. Zhang, Ergodic measures with multi-zero Lyapunov exponents inside homoclinic classes.  J. Dynam. Differential Equations 32 (2020), no.2, 631--664.   

  6. D. Yang and J. Zhang, Non-hyperbolic ergodic measures and horseshoes in partially hyperbolic homoclinic classes. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19  (2020),  no. 5, 1765-1792.

  7. Ch. Bonatti and J. Zhang, Transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional neutral center.  Sci. China Math., 63 (2020), no. 9, (A special volume dedicated to Prof. Shantao Liao),  1647--1670.

  8. S.  Crovisier,  A. da Luz,  D. Yang and J. Zhang, On the notions of singular domination and (multi-)singular hyperbolicity.  Sci. China Math., 63 (2020), no.9, (A special volume dedicated to Prof. Shantao Liao), 1721--1744.

  9. J. Zhang, Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with one dimensional neutral center on 3-manifolds.  J. Mod. Dyn. 17, (2021), 557-584.


  10. D. Yang and J. Zhang, Ergodic optimizatyion for some dynamical systems beyond uniform hyperbolicity. Dyn. Syst. 37 (2022), no. 4, 630-647.


  11. S. Gan, Y. Shi, D. Xu and J. Zhang,  Centralizers of derived-from-Anosov systems on T3: rigidity versus triviality.  Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 42 (2022), no. 9, 2841–2865.


  12. A. Tahzibi and J. Zhang, Disintegrations of non-hyperbolic ergodic measures along the center foliation of DA maps. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 55 (2023), no.3, 1404-1418. 

  13. S. Crovisier, X. Wang, D. Yang, J. Zhang,On physical measures of multi-singular hyperbolic vector fields. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.  377 (2024), no. 10, 6937-6980. 


  1. J.Zhang, Entropy properties of mostly expanding partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. arXiv:2401.12465. 

  2. L.J.Diaz, K.Gelfert and J.Zhang, The amount of nonhyperbolicity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. arXiv:2405.12051.

  3. L.J.Diaz, J.Yang and J.Zhang, A conservative partially hyperbolic dichotomy: hyperbolicity versus nonhyperbolic measures. arXiv:2502.12505.  


[1] 2014.9-2017.7
勃艮第大学 | 数学 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士学位
[2] 2011.9-2017.7
北京大学 | 数学 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士学位
[3] 2007.9-2011.7
吉林大学 | 数学与应用数学 | 本科 | 学士


[1] 2019.8-至今
[2] 2017.9-2019.8
数学学院 | 巴黎第十一大学 
