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Personal Information


Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2020-12-17

School/Department:Aero-Engine Research Institute

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:A303-2, Main Building, Shahe Campus



Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Other Post:Associate Editor, Proc IMechE Part C - J Mech Eng Sci

Alma Mater:École Centrale de Lyon

Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Feng Gao



Education Level:博士研究生

Alma Mater:École Centrale de Lyon



Dr. Feng Gao is an associate professor within the Aero-Engine Research Institute at Beihang University. Prior to joinning Beihang he was research fellow at the Rolls-Royce UTC, University of Surrey (UK) and École Centrale de Lyon. He received his Batchlor degree and PhD at Beihang University and École Centrale de Lyon.

Feng's research interests are on high-fidelity numerical simulation of unsteady complex turbomachinery flows, compressor separation flow, buoyancy-induced flow in rotating compressor cavities, turbine rim sealing flow, LES inflow generation method and RANS turbulence model.

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  2010.10 to 2014.4
École Centrale de Lyon  | Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology  | Doctoral degree  | PhD
[2]  2008.7 to 2010.10
Beihang University  | Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology  | Master
[3]  2004.9 to 2008.6
Beihang University  | Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology  | Bachelor degree  | Bachelor

[1]   2020.12 to  Now
Beihang University  | Aero-Engine Research Institute
[2]   2015.4  to  2020.6
University of Surrey  | Rolls-Royce UTC
[3]   2014.5  to  2014.9
École Centrale de Lyon

Social Affiliations


[1]   Tutor of Shoue College 2021

[2]   Visiting senior lecturer, University of Surrey, UK

[3]   Associate Editor, Proc. IMechE part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

[4]   Reviewer for Phys. Fluids, Comput. & Fluids, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., Chin. J. Aeronaut., Phys. Lett. A, J. Power Energy, Energies, ASME Turbo Expo, etc.