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  • 杜华飞 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/duhuafei1/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   副教授   硕士生导师






主要研究方向为飞行器总体设计、隐身技术,发表学术论文30余篇成果发表于Aerospace Science and TechnologyAdvances in Space ResearchAerospaceEnergy Conversion and ManagementApplied Thermal Engineering等期刊。在飞行器总体技术方面,重点进行了浮空器总体设计、热空制等关键技术攻关,研究了基于风场的区域驻空算法,解决了有限能量约束条件下无动力浮空器区域驻空问题;构建了基于太阳能电池布局综合优化与轻质高效隔热结构的热控制技术,解决了临近空间浮空器长时驻空时因温差引起的超压难题。在隐身技术方面,重点针对飞行器座舱和光学窗口等典型散射源,突破了基于超材料的光学透明件宽频吸波结构关键技术,提升了座舱和光窗透明件雷达隐身等综合性能,研究成果实现转化应用。




[1]     Du, Huafei, Tianfang Sun, Mingyun Lv, et al., Dynamic coverage performance of wind-assisted balloons mesh based on Voronoi partition and energy constraint. Advances in Space Research, 2022. 70(2).

[2]     Xu, Ziyuan, Yang Liu, Huafei Du*, et al., Station-keeping for high-altitude balloon with reinforcement learning. Advances in Space Research, 2022.

[3]     Liu, Yang, Huafei Du, Ziyuan Xu, et al., Mission-based optimization of insulation layer for the solar array on the stratospheric airship. Renewable Energy, 2022. 191.

[4]     Liu, Yang, Ziyuan Xu, Huafei Du*, et al., Multidisciplinary Optimization of Thermal Insulation Layer for Stratospheric Airship with a Solar Array. Aerospace, 2022. 9(2).

[5]     Liu, Yang, Ziyuan Xu, Huafei Du*, et al., Increased utilization of real wind fields to improve station-keeping performance of stratospheric balloon. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022. 122.

[6]     Zhang, Lanchuan, Weiyu Zhu, Huafei Du, et al., Multidisciplinary design of high altitude airship based on solar energy optimization. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021. 110.

[7]     Du, Huafei, Mingyun Lv, Lanchuan Zhang, et al., Energy management strategy design and station-keeping strategy optimization for high altitude balloon with altitude control system. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019. 93.

[8]     Du, Huafei, Mingyun Lv, Jun Li, et al., Station-keeping performance analysis for high altitude balloon with altitude control system. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019. 92.

[9]     Du, Huafei, Jun Li, Weiyu Zhu, et al., Flight performance simulation and station-keeping endurance analysis for stratospheric super-pressure balloon in real wind field. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019. 86.

[10]  Zhu, Weiyu, Yuanming Xu, Huafei Du, et al., Thermal performance of high-altitude solar powered scientific balloon. Renewable Energy, 2019. 135.

[11]  Du, Huafei, Jun Li, Weiyu Zhu, et al., Thermal performance analysis and comparison of stratospheric airships with rotatable and fixed photovoltaic array. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 158.

[12]  Zhu, Weiyu, Yuanming Xu, Huafei Du, et al., Transmittance optimization of solar array encapsulant for high-altitude airship. Renewable Energy, 2018. 125.

[13]  Du, Huafei, Weiyu Zhu, Yifei Wu, et al., Effect of angular losses on the output performance of solar array on long-endurance stratospheric airship. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. 147.

[14]  Lv, Mingyun, Jun Li, Huafei Du, et al., Solar array layout optimization for stratospheric airships using numerical method. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. 135.

[15]  Zhu, Weiyu, Jun Li, Huafei Du, et al., Influence of material properties and structural parameters on the performance of near-space use lightweight insulation structure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017. 124.

  • [1]. 2009.9 -- 2013.7

    北京化工大学       材料科学与工程       本科(学士)       学士学位

  • [2]. 2014.9 -- 2017.3

    北京航空航天大学       飞行器设计       硕士研究生       硕士学位

  • [3]. 2017.9 -- 2020.8

    北京航空航天大学       飞行器设计       博士研究生       博士学位

  • [1]. 2022.11 -- 至今

    北京航空航天大学      航空科学与工程学院      副教授

  • [2]. 2020.11 -- 2022.11

    北京航空航天大学      航空科学与工程学院      博士后

  • [1] 邮箱 :
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