Chuan Luo

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Associate Professor  

Main positions:Doctoral Supervisor


Chuan Luo is an associate professor and doctoral supervisor at Beihang University. His research interest focuses on constraint solving and he has conducted a series of innovative research work around constraint solving. He has been selected for the Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and the Young Talent Development Program by China Computer Federation (CCF). 

He has published more than 40 CCF-A papers, and more than 20 CCF-A papers were published as the first or corresponding authors. As the principal investigator, he has led multiple research projects, including the project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, the project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. He has won a total of 17 champions in internationally renowned constraint solving competitions (international SAT Competitions and international MaxSAT Evaluations), including the first championship achieved by participants from Asia. 

His proposed techniques have been practically used by a Nobel Prize winner, facilitating huge economic benefits. His research achievements have been applied by Huawei and Microsoft, effectively enhancing the performance and reliability of critical system software.

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