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Associate Professor
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北航生物与医学工程学院副教授、博士生导师。致力于心血管疾病监测、诊断及治疗的新型传感与电子器件研究,研制了可穿戴心血管传感、脉诊仪及心脏起搏器,属于医工交叉研究。相关成果发表在Nature Communications,Advanced Materials, Small Methods, ACS Nano, Biosens. Bioelectron.等知名学术期刊50余篇,H因子为32,总引用达7200余次(谷歌学术)。申请专利30余件,其中13件已授权。主持国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等科研项目。入选第六届中国科协青年人才托举工程、北航青年拔尖人才支持计划、北航医工卓越创新计划、北航科技创新团队支持计划等人才项目。获得北京市科学技术二等奖、北京地区广受关注学术论文、2022 INFOMAT EXCELLENT PAPER等奖项。受聘为中国生物医学工程学会康复工程分会第三届委员会青年委员、中国电子学会生命电子学分会第八届委员会委员、中国技术市场协会医疗器械创新专业委员会委员。担任Bioelectronic Medicine期刊副主编、Smart Materials in Medicine期刊编委、Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices期刊特刊客座编辑、Nano Trends期刊特刊客座编辑、Materials期刊特刊客座编辑、Frontiers in Electronics期刊review editor(wearable electronics方向)等多个期刊编辑。
- 心血管诊疗电子器件
- 生物传感
- 生物力学
2020.04-至今 北航生物与医学工程学院,副教授/博导
2017.09-2020.04 北航生物与医学工程学院,博士后,合作导师:樊瑜波
2012.09-2017.07 中国科学院大学,硕博连读,物理化学,导师:李舟
2014.03-2014.05 Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology,访问学生,合作导师:庄杰
2008.09-2012.07 电子科技大学,本科,信息显示与光电技术
[28] Yanzhen Liu, Xinbao Wu, Yudi Sang, Chunpeng Zhao, Yu Wang*, Bojing Shi*, Yubo Fan*. Evolution of Surgical Robot Systems Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence: A Review. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2024, 2300268.
[27] Zhuo Liu, Yiran Hu, Xuecheng Qu, Ying Liu, Sijing Cheng, Zhengmin Zhang, Yizhu Shan, Ruizeng Luo, Sixian Weng, Hui Li, Hongxia Niu, Min Gu, Yan Yao, Bojing Shi, Ningning Wang, Wei Hua, Zhou Li, Zhong Lin Wang. A self-powered intracardiac pacemaker in swine model. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 507.
[26] Li Wu, Jiangtao Xue, Jianping Meng, Bojing Shi, Wei Sun, Engui Wang, Mengji Dong, Xuemei Zheng, Yuxiang Wu,* Yusheng Li,* and Zhou Li*. Self-Powered Flexible Sensor Array for Dynamic Pressure Monitoring. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 2316712.
[25] Jiasi Zhang, Pengrui Zhu, Han Ouyang, Engui Wang, Jiangtao Xue, Zhou Li, Bojing Shi*, Yubo Fan*. High Signal to Noise Ratio Piezoelectric Thin Film Sensor Based on Elastomer Amplification for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. ACS Sensors 2024, 9, 1301–1309.
[24] Pengrui Zhu; Yiran Hu; Bojing Shi*; Yubo Fan*. Biomechanical mechanism of noninvasive plaque detection based on multi-sensor fusion. Physics of Fluids 2024, 36, 011903.
[23] Zhuo Xiang, Lingling Xu, Yizhu Shan, Xi Cui, Bojing Shi, Yuan Xi, Panxing Ren, Xuemei Zheng, Chaochao Zhao*, Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*. Tumor microenviroment-responsive self-assembly of barium titanate nanoparticles with enhanced piezoelectric catalysis capabilities for efficient tumor therapy. Bioactive Materials 2024, 33, 251–261.
[22] Ruizeng Luo, Bojing Shi, Dan Luo*, Zhou Li*. Self-powered electrical stimulation assisted skin wound therapy. Science Bulletin 2023, 68, 1740–1743.
[21] Minghao Liu, Puchuan Tan, Jiangtao Xue, Zhuo Liu, Han Ouyang, Dongjie Jiang, Yuan Xi, Wei Sun, Yiqian Wang, Yansong Gai, Bojing Shi, Yang Zou,* and Zhou Li*. A Portable Self-Powered Turbine Spirometer for Rehabilitation Monitoring on COVID-19. Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 8, 2300328.
[20] Jieyu Dai, Jianping Meng, Xiaoming Zhao, Weiyi Zhang, Yubo Fan,* Bojing Shi*, and Zhou Li*. A Wearable Self-Powered Multi-Parameter Respiration Sensor, Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 8, 2201535.
[19] Weiyi Zhang, Yuan Xi, Engui Wang, Xuecheng Qu, Yuan Yang, Yubo Fan*, Bojing Shi* , and Zhou Li*. Self-Powered Force Sensors for Multidimensional Tactile Sensing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 20122–20131.
[18] Yu Cao, Yuan Yang, Xuecheng Qu, Bojing Shi* , Lingling Xu, Jiangtao Xue, Chan Wang, Yuan Bai, Yansong Gai, Dan Luo,* and Zhou Li*. A Self-Powered Triboelectric Hybrid Coder for Human–Machine Interaction. Small Methods 2022, 6, 2101529.
[17] Minxing Du, Yu Cao, Xuecheng Qu, Jiangtao Xue, Weiyi Zhang, Xiong Pu, Bojing Shi*, and Zhou Li*. Hybrid Nanogenerator for Biomechanical Energy Harvesting, Motion State Detection, and Pulse Sensing. Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, 2101332.
[16] Jieyu Dai, Linlin Li, Bojing Shi* , Zhou Li*. Recent progress of self-powered respiration monitoring systems. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2021, 194, 113609.
[15] Xuecheng Qu#, Xiu Ma#, Bojing Shi#(co-first), Hu Li, Li Zheng, Chan Wang, Zhuo Liu, Yubo Fan, Xiangyu Chen,* Zhou Li,* and Zhong Lin Wang. Refreshable Braille Display System Based on Triboelectric Nanogenerator and Dielectric Elastomer. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2006612.
[14] Jiang, D.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Ouyang, H.; Fan, Y.; Wang, Z. L.; Li, Z.*, Emerging Implantable Energy Harvesters and Self-Powered Implantable Medical Electronics. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (6), 6436-6448.
[13] Liao, J.; Zou, Y.; Jiang, D.; Liu, Z.; Qu, X.; Li, Z.; Liu, R.; Fan, Y.; Shi, B.*; Li, Z.*; Zheng, L.*, Nestable arched triboelectric nanogenerator for large deflection biomechanical sensing and energy harvesting. Nano Energy 2020, 69, 104417.
[12] Zou, Y.#; Liao, J.#; Ouyang, H.; Jiang, D.; Zhao, C.; Li, Z.; Qu, X.; Liu, Z.; Fan, Y.; Shi, B.*; Zheng, L.*; Li, Z.*, A flexible self-arched biosensor based on combination of piezoelectric and triboelectric effects. Applied Materials Today 2020, 20, 100699.
[11] Jiang, D.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Ouyang, H.; Fan, Y.; Wang, Z. L.; Chen, Z.-M.*; Li, Z.*, A 25-year bibliometric study of implantable energy harvesters and self-powered implantable medical electronics researches. Materials Today Energy 2020, 16, 100386.
[10] Jiang, D.#; Ouyang, H.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Zou, Y.; Tan, P.; Qu, X.; Chao, S.; Xi, Y.; Zhao, C.; Fan, Y.*; Li, Z.*, A wearable noncontact free-rotating hybrid nanogenerator for self-powered electronics. InfoMat 2020, 1-10.
[9] Zou, Y.#; Tan, P.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Ouyang, H.; Jiang, D.; Liu, Z.; Li, H.; Yu, M.; Wang, C.; Qu, X.; Zhao, L.; Fan, Y.*; Wang, Z. L.*; Li, Z.*, A bionic stretchable nanogenerator for underwater sensing and energy harvesting. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), 2695.
[8] Ouyang, H.#; Liu, Z.#; Li, N.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Zou, Y.; Xie, F.; Ma, Y.; Li, Z.; Li, H.; Zheng, Q.; Qu, X.; Fan, Y.; Wang, Z. L.*; Zhang, H.*; Li, Z.*, Symbiotic cardiac pacemaker. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), 1821.
[7] Liu, Z.#; Ma, Y.#; Ouyang, H.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Li, N.; Jiang, D.; Xie, F.; Qu, D.; Zou, Y.; Huang, Y.; Li, H.; Zhao, C.; Tan, P.; Yu, M.; Fan, Y.*; Zhang, H.*; Wang, Z. L.*; Li, Z.*, Transcatheter Self-Powered Ultrasensitive Endocardial Pressure Sensor. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29 (3), 1807560.
[6] Shi, B.#; Liu, Z.#; Zheng, Q.#; Meng, J.; Ouyang, H.; Zou, Y.; Jiang, D.; Qu, X.; Yu, M.; Zhao, L.; Fan, Y.*; Wang, Z. L.*; Li, Z.*, Body-Integrated Self-Powered System for Wearable and Implantable Applications. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (5), 6017-6024.
[5] Shi, B.; Li, Z.*; Fan, Y.*, Implantable Energy-Harvesting Devices. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (44), 1801511.
[4] Zheng, Q.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Li, Z.*; Wang, Z. L., Recent Progress on Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Energy Harvesters in Biomedical Systems. Advanced Science 2017, 4 (7), 1700029.
[3] Shi, B.#; Zheng, Q.#; Jiang, W.; Yan, L.; Wang, X.; Liu, H.; Yao, Y.; Li, Z.*; Wang, Z. L.*, A Packaged Self-Powered System with Universal Connectors Based on Hybridized Nanogenerators. Advanced Materials 2016, 28 (5), 846-852.
[2] Zheng, Q.#; Zhang, H.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Xue, X.; Liu, Z.; Jin, Y.; Ma, Y.; Zou, Y.; Wang, X.; An, Z.; Tang, W.; Zhang, W.; Yang, F.; Liu, Y.; Lang, X.; Xu, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wang, Z. L.*, In Vivo Self-Powered Wireless Cardiac Monitoring via Implantable Triboelectric Nanogenerator. ACS Nano 2016, 10 (7), 6510-6518.
[1] Zheng, Q.#; Shi, B.# (co-first); Fan, F.#; Wang, X.; Yan, L.; Yuan, W.; Wang, S.; Liu, H.; Li, Z.*; Wang, Z. L.*, In Vivo Powering of Pacemaker by Breathing-Driven Implanted Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Advanced Materials 2014, 26 (33), 5851-5856.
[11] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2022.12-2025.11,256万元,参与
[10] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022.1-2024.12,30万元,主持
[9] 第六届中国科协青年人才托举工程,2020.1-2022.12,45万元,主持
[8] 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,2020.1-2021.12,10万元,主持
[7] 北航青年人才拔尖计划,主持
[6] 北航医工卓越创新计划,2020.07-2021.07,7万元,主持
[5] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018.9-2019.9,5万元,主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.1-2019.12,64万元,参与
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017.1-2019.12,18万元,参与
[2] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,2018.1-2019.12,20万元,参与
[1] 北京市科技计划课题,2013.7-2015.6,500万,参与
[7] 2020年北京地区广受关注学术论文
[5] 2019年the 4th International Conference on NENS, Poster Award
[4] 2019年北京航空航天大学优秀博士后
[3] 2017年北京市科学技术奖 二等奖
[2] 2017年中国生物医学工程大会 青年论文竞赛 一等奖
[1] 2016年第九届国际发明展览会“发明创业奖·项目奖”金奖