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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2011-06-01

School/Department:School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:IRC 408,Beihang University,xueyuan Road. No 37,Haidian, 100191,Beijing,China


Contact Information:010-82316603;



Alma Mater:Tohoku University

Discipline:Mechanical Engineering

Jiang Yonggang



Education Level:博士研究生

Alma Mater:Tohoku University



Dr. Yonggang Jiang is a professor at Institute of Bionics and Micro-Nanosystems, Beihang University. He is the leader of bionic MEMS group, and is focusing on the research of bionic design and micro-nanofabrication of MEMS sensor devices. The main achievements during the past 5 years are as follows: (1) revealing and verification the mechanism of stochastic resonance and mechanical amplification of biological sensing structures; (2) proposing electrical field modification methods for the sensing performance of flexible smart materials; (3) design and fabrication of new devices for flow field sensing and extreme pressure detection. Dr. Jiang has published 40 SCI indexed papers (including 29 papers as the first author or corresponding author), which was totally cited more than 300 times in total by SCI indexed journals. He has been authorized 11 patents and awarded by Beijing novel program in 2014. 

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  1999.9 to 2003.7
Beihang University  | Mechanical Engineering  | Bachelor  | Undergraduate student
[2]  2004.4 to 2006.3
Tohoku University  | Department of Nanomechanics  | Master  | Master cource
导师:Masayoshi Esashi
[3]  2006.4 to 2009.3
Tohoku University  | Department of Nanomechanics  | Ph.D.  | PhD course
导师:Masayoshi Esashi

[1]   2018.11 to  Now
Beihang University  | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation  | Professor
[2]   2011.8  to  2018.10
Beihang University  | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation  | Associate Professor
[3]   2011.4  to  2011.7
Beihang University  | School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation  | Assistant Professor
[4]   2009.4  to  2011.3
Japan Science and Technology Agency  | Maenaka Human Sesing-Fusion Project  | Research, sub-group leader

Social Affiliations


[1]   亚太国际传感器会议APCOT2016、2020程序委员会委员(TPC)

[2]  2021.3 to Now 《功能材料与器件学报》编委

[3]  2021.1 to 2023.12 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》青年编委

[4]   中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员

[5]   中国农业机械学会地面机械系统分会委员