Song NingFang
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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Research Focus
Social Affiliations
2019.4- :国家重点研发专项战略高技术重大项目专家组成员
2015- :全国光电测量标准化技术委员会委员。
2000- :中国宇航学会光电技术专业委员会委员
Education Experience
 北京航空航天大学   2000.09-2004.04 北京航空航天大学,宇航学院航空宇航科学与技术专业,博士 1990.09-1993.07 北京航空航天大学,宇航学院航空陀螺与导航设备专业,硕士 1986.09-1990.07 哈尔滨船舶工程学院,自动控制系惯性导航与仪表专业,学士 
Work Experience
1993/7-Now 仪器科学与光电工程学院光电技术研究所 | 北京航空航天大学  | 研究员  | 在职  | 1993研究生毕业留校后,一直工作至今。历任教研室党支部书记、学院研究生指导主任、光电所所长等行政职务。现为仪器光电学院光电所教授。现团队有12名老师、20余名博士生和50余名硕士生。研究方向覆盖基础研究和工程应用研究。 
- 1.[25] Ma Dongying,Song Ningfang,Jin Jing, Binary code compression algorithm used for the real time compensation of the modulation error in miniaturized FOG,Optical Fiber Technology ,VOL 17 ISSU 4 PAGE 267-272, 2011
- 2.[24]Sun Zuoming,Song Ningfang,Ma Pan,Low loss fusion splicing polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber and conventional polarization-maintaining fiber,Optical Fiber Technology,VOL 18 ISSU 6 PAGE 452-456,2012
- 3.[23] Yuan Rui,Song Ningfang,Jin Jing, Autonomous estimation of angle random walk of fiber optic gyro in attitude determination system of satellite,Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confed,VOL 45 ISSU 6 PAGE 1362-1366, 2012
- 4.[22] Ma Pan,Song Ningfang,Xu Xiaobin,Birefringence sensitivity to temperature of polarization maintaining photonic crystal fibers,Optics and Laser Technology,VOL 44 ISSU 6 PAGE 1829-1833,2012
- 5.[21] Li Min,Song Ningfang,Kang Rui,Wang Xueqin Gamma radiation effects on the DPB SFS in space FOGs applications Optik,VOL 123 ISSU 17 PAGE 1542-1545,2012,
- 6.[20] Yuan Rui,Song Ningfang,Zhang Guohua,Jin Jing Autonomous Detection ofAngle RandomWalk and Quantization Noise of Fiber Optic Gyro in Attitude Determination System of Satellite,Sensors Journal,VOL 13 No.1 PAGE 211-216,2013